TALMUIC MISCELLANY ISSAC HERSHON, Lonon 1880. Page-37, 220, 221


from the least to the greatest, is a great philosopher.
(Eiruvin, fol. 53, col. 1.) The Machzor for Pentecost
says, Israelites are as "full of meritorious works as a
pomegranate is full of pips." (See also Chaggigah,
fol. 27, col. 1.)
(d.) As it is impossible for the world to be without
air, so also is it impossible for the world to be without
IsraeL (Taanith, fol. 3, col. 2.)
(c.) If the ox of an Israelite bruise the ox of a Gentile,
the Israelite is exempt from paying damages; but should
the ox of a Gentile bruise the ox of an Israelite, the
Gentile is bound to recompense him in fulL (Bavn
Kama, fol. 38, coL 1.)
(/.) "When an Israelite and a Gentile have a lawsuit
before thee, if thou canst, acquit the former according to
the laws of Israel, and tell the latter such is our law;
if thou canst get him off in accordance with Gentile law,
do so, and say to the plaintiff such is your law; but if
he cannot be acquitted according to either law, then
I'D'pJD xh>9 PK3, bring forward adroit pretexts and secure
his acquittal. These are the words of the Rabbi Ishmael.
Rabbi Akiva says, "No false pretext should be brought
forward, because, if found out, the name of God would
be blasphemed; but if there be no fear of that, then it
may be adduced." (Ibid., fol. 113, col. 1.)
Note.—Contrast this counsel with that of a heathen
"If ever called
To give thy witness in a dubious case,
Though Phalaris himself should bid thee lie
On pain of torture in his flaming bull,
Disdain to barter innocence for life.
To which life owes its lustre and its worth."
Juvenal, Sat. 8, 1, 80.
How true are the words of Shakespeare (Henry
VIIL, act v., sc. 1):—
"At what case
Might corrupt minds procure knaves as corrupt
To swear against you?"
(g.) If one find lost property in a locality where the
majority are Israelites, he is bound to proclaim it; but
he is not bound to do so if the majority be Gentiles.
(Bava Metzia, fol. 24, coL 1.)

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